Pregnant moms start feeding their children nine months before they meet them
First Trimester
There’s a lot going on inside you. Every day in these three months, a part of your baby is grown. By the end of the first trimester your baby will be 100% formed. Little but complete. A high amount of energy is sapped from your body to create a baby from start to finish in 12 weeks.
However, this does not mean that the first trimester is your hungriest trimester. During this period, progesterone can cause blood sugar to drop. Consequently, this low blood sugar level may result in a roller coaster of peaks and dips, thus contributing to first trimester nausea.
Cravings are also synonymous with first trimester challenges. During the first trimester of pregnancy a certain food may exacerbate nausea – a steak for instance – but, in the next moment, the craving hits for a different food – granadilla, maybe. Pica cravings or crazy cravings like coal or tar on the side of the road are also experienced by some women.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, the pregnant women’s body is drawing on a myriad of micro-nutrients and minerals. Therefore, her nutritional requirements will shoot up and her body will demand vitamins and salts even in inedible form.
First Trimester
9 months~9 tips
Second Trimester
The honeymoon phase or the period of blossoming. Pregnant women get to glow at the end of the second trimester, the tummy is there to be celebrated. The baby receives her nourishment through the placenta. This is time for the fully formed baby to grow in length, weight and maturity. The reality of the pregnancy kicks in, literally.
This is the time when women start to feel their babies moving. Here, the pregnant women’s appetite picks up in the second trimester. However, the mom is still agile and this can be a very productive phase.
This is the trimester in which you need to be careful of raw and deli foods because of the listeria bacteria. So if you know a reputable vendor and you’re confident the raw proteins are 100% safe then you will be fine. But, be wary and extra careful.
In this trimester, don’t be tempted to eat for two. Your appetite may increase but avoid a lot of excess and empty calorie foods. By managing your weight you will reduce the risk of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. You can now start a good prenatal multi-vitamin and a “non-constipating” iron supplement. Most importantly be cautious. Don’t take medication, even ‘natural’ products, without consulting a doctor.
Third Trimester
In the last three months of pregnancy, the stomach expands. The breast starts to feel fuller. The baby’s kicking, once experienced as flutters, can be exhausting. Heartburn is common at this time because the stomach has less room. For the same reason there is less capacity to eat. Not surprisingly women in the third trimester experience intense tiredness and nausea might even be present again. Constipation can also be a challenge and ‘porridge brain’ syndrome starts to kick in.
Five Principles
Take care of yourself
You need to get omega 3 from food and supplements: oily fish, flaxseeds
Fresh fruit and veggies
Prenatal supplements and iron
Take psyllium husks to avoid constipation.
Protein intake is important to keep the placenta thriving
Smoothies are a wonderful food to include in the third trimester and days after birth.
Choose one ingredient from each group to tailor make your pregnancy smoothie
Almonds, hazelnuts
Yoghurt, milk, whey powder or a vegan substitute powder
Coconut cream, macadamia nuts, avocado
Flax or sunflower seeds
Oats, oat bran, quinoa powder, banana, berries, paw-paw, mango
Cinnamon, ginger, honey, vanilla
Chia seeds, cranberries, goji berries, cacao nibs