What we offer


Consults are done as a collaborative process between myself (dietitian), the caregiver and the child. The goal is to find workable solutions, help families develop a step-by-step plan and then mentor the family along the journey to achieving this goal. Success comes not through following a set meal plan, as nowadays everyone has access to a variety of meal plans and food lists. Parents need creative solutions that work and fit into their lifestyle, take into account their child’s challenges, personality and past medical and feeding experiences.

Talks & Webinars

We are passionate about imparting information in many forums. From doing talks to new moms to speaking to a group of rowdy teens. Imparting scientific knowledge to fellow colleagues at local and international conferences to mentoring young dietitians wanting to break into the world of work. Face to face in small groups, large gatherings or via social media webinars.

‘Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler’

~ Einstein ~

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.’

~ Benjamin Franklin ~


Kath Megaw is passionate about taking complicated nutrition concepts and putting them into practical and helpful articles, books and publications that encourage and empower others to become healthier.

Writing projects include:

  • Articles for websites and other publications
  • Scientific research and writing for industry
  • Published books for parents, families and children.

online courses

We are passionate about educating moms, dads and teens with our range of online courses. We also have some exciting courses to advance the knowledge of like-minded dietitians/nutritionists and other allied health professionals looking to advance their knowledge. Putting sound nutritional science into practice is our motto for our courses.

‘The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery’

~ Mark van Doren ~